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Old 04-22-2010, 04:43 PM

Just finished listening to it.
Bropocalypse (or I guess we can start calling him Bro-Pac, due to his "ethnic" sounding accent lol) has a good voice for the show (though it probably sounded better since he was sick). He seemed to "hold the show" together and was becoming more comfortable as he went along, before kind of abruptly stopping when he got sick of it (it appeared).
Mr Right's comedic timing was great (im not sure if he's even completely aware he has it), and the underlying tension between him and Jorge was probably one of the more entertaining parts of the show. Out of everyone I thought Mr. Right sounded the most relaxed, though thats probably due to all his air time on BKRS.
I hadnt heard Jorge in a long ass time, and when he was a regular on BKRS, those were during the times I thought the Barry show was at its best. He didnt spew out his imfamous "What time is it gonna be on" catch phrase...I think it would go great with the intro to the show.
Jorge trying to dial random numbers and asking how many "numbers" he should dial was great stuff.
Show seemed to lose a little steam when Yuriy got cut off the call...seemed like it was taking some direction and started flowing. I think he should have been called back as soon as the call was lost but still great segment.
Jorge could have been a bit more vocal, but you can tell that even though English isnt his first language he is a funny dude. Favorite Jorge show moment was him trying to ask Mr Right about "nimbus", and niether Bro-Pac or Jorge knew what a "nimbus cloud" was.
This show was especially interesting to me since I was a huge fan of the BKRS original characters (Jorge, Mr Right). I'd been listening to BKRS since the first episode (I'm sure I was the last one) before his format changed, almost hadnt heard Jorge in over a year. He should have dialed the Mexican Lair leader up, that would have been great.
Bro-Pac, if you created the intro segment "I Hate" i thought it was awesome.
First shows never go smooth, but as a first effort, at least its out of the way.
Would have been appropriate to have Nicholaus on there, was looking forward to hearing him on the debut episode.
Looking forward to the next one.
Old 04-22-2010, 06:33 PM

Could only make it through the first 12 mins. Sorry guys.
Old 04-22-2010, 07:26 PM

Haha no worrys man, we will have better shows.
Old 04-22-2010, 07:29 PM

I fuck barry's asshole with my giant nose (no homo).
Old 04-22-2010, 07:31 PM

Just checked it out. I thought it was pretty good.
Old 04-22-2010, 08:10 PM

Podcasts arent as easy to do as they might seem. But I agree keeping the show spontaneous and "unscripted" is the best way to go...it feels more compelling and interesting that way. When Barry started to use more editing and advanced equipment and structuring the show, I think it lost a bit of its magic.
Mr. Right, Im surprised you just didnt go off and go crazy when asked about wrestling, lol. Thats like youre thing!
Either way, I was especially impressed with Bro-Pac.
Bro-Pac, have you ever done anything like this before? I think when you started losing faith in the show while it was still going on is where the audience might have felt let down...if the host of the show isnt even into the show he's doing, why should we be? Aside from that the times you were taking control of the call sounded very pro, Im sure you will evolve into a great host.
And Nicholaus, props to you for putting the show out as is without hitting the panic button and trying to re-do it...I know alot of people probably wont listen again after this first showing, but at least you released it "as is", keeping it raw, real and honest.
BTW, I want to hear L U C I F E R on there and Monstar!
Old 04-22-2010, 08:17 PM

Originally Posted by j the ripper View Post
Podcasts arent as easy to do as they might seem. But I agree keeping the show spontaneous and "unscripted" is the best way to go...it feels more compelling and interesting that way. When Barry started to use more editing and advanced equipment and structuring the show, I think it lost a bit of its magic.

Mr. Right, Im surprised you just didnt go off and go crazy when asked about wrestling, lol. Thats like youre thing!

Either way, I was especially impressed with Bro-Pac.

Bro-Pac, have you ever done anything like this before? I think when you started losing faith in the show while it was still going on is where the audience might have felt let down...if the host of the show isnt even into the show he's doing, why should we be? Aside from that the times you were taking control of the call sounded very pro, Im sure you will evolve into a great host.

And Nicholaus, props to you for putting the show out as is without hitting the panic button and trying to re-do it...I know alot of people probably wont listen again after this first showing, but at least you released it "as is", keeping it raw, real and honest.

BTW, I want to hear L U C I F E R on there and Monstar!
Thanks dude. All the shows will be unedited. Just press record and go.
I'm not worried about people not liking it......it's 3 people who have never worked together before......trying to get something done.........they'll get the hang of it and start doing well.......I didn't even like it that much..........but the only way to get started is to actually get started.
Old 04-22-2010, 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by Nicholaus View Post
Thanks dude. All the shows will be unedited. Just press record and go.

I'm not worried about people not liking it......it's 3 people who have never worked together before......trying to get something done.........they'll get the hang of it and start doing well.......I didn't even like it that much..........but the only way to get started is to actually get started.

I agree man, Im sure after another couple episodes things will start to come together nicely. How often is the show going to come out?
Old 04-22-2010, 08:29 PM

the fact that the process will be transparent IMO makes it more interesting, at least for me.
Originally Posted by Nicholaus View Post
Thanks dude. All the shows will be unedited. Just press record and go.

I'm not worried about people not liking it......it's 3 people who have never worked together before......trying to get something done.........they'll get the hang of it and start doing well.......I didn't even like it that much..........but the only way to get started is to actually get started.

Old 04-22-2010, 08:31 PM

lol @ j the ripper warm-alphaing Bropocalypse.
Old 04-22-2010, 08:35 PM

Thanks. I'll be on maybe next week if I get a time when they record, we plan on prank calling hookers on craigslist.
Old 04-22-2010, 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by j the ripper View Post
I agree man, Im sure after another couple episodes things will start to come together nicely. How often is the show going to come out?
Every wednesday night they will be recording a show.
Additional shows every week are based on everyone's availability (kind of like the 2nd episode that just got posted).
Old 04-22-2010, 08:54 PM

Originally Posted by L U C I F E R View Post
Thanks. I'll be on maybe next week if I get a time when they record, we plan on prank calling hookers on craigslist.
They record every wednesday night at 7:30pm (Pacific Time).
Old 04-22-2010, 10:34 PM

I'm in. Bro, hit me up if things get sour.
Old 04-23-2010, 01:04 AM

Bahahaha @ me being "warm alpha'd."
@ Lucifer, for sure, I got the number in the PM, we'll hit you up next ep. If anyone else wants to get on and talk shit, PM me your number or skype info and we'll give you a call.
@ j the ripper, Sergio did that Puahate commercial. That shits awesome. And I did a music show on a radio station a few years back for like a year. I made a podcast of my own a while back on Dares site, but I was just talking to myself, and calling some friends. Mainly people I knew. I think once Jorge, Mr. Right and I have gone through a few episodes and developed some speed rapport, we won't be so awkward.
I think on next weeks ep when I'm not feeling so sick and we have some topics and general direction, you guys'll like it. I hope we didn't turn anyone off with this piece of garbage, hahaha. We have some crazy prank ideas behind the scenes that will be hilarious as fuck once we implement them. And feel free to PM us any ideas you guys come up with, this is everybody's show, not just us 3.
Old 04-23-2010, 02:08 AM

This was really awful. I tried to sit through both episodes so I could give some feedback but fuck, it was about as entertaining as sticking my balls in a meat grinder.
Few notes:
1. Have something to talk about
2. Talk about it in a way that is entertaining
There's so much fucking material on this site to work with for a podcast, don't let it go to waste.
Old 04-23-2010, 03:59 AM

I laughed hard at the part when Mr Right started making random repetitive noises, as Jorge and Indigenous "couldn't hear him".
Highlight of the show.
Old 04-23-2010, 05:20 AM

was alright for a first show.
it would be nice if u "get together" a day before on skype or smt like this,for 15-20', to talk about the next day show,topics,etc..have a plan
Old 04-23-2010, 05:28 AM

I give it a HB2 out of 10
Old 04-23-2010, 03:57 PM

Will never match rev60 in terms of awesomeness.
Old 04-23-2010, 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by Nick Cotton View Post
Will never match rev60 in terms of awesomeness.
you made me gag a little
Old 04-23-2010, 04:46 PM

Putting it on right now!! Loved the intro lol, I HATE PICKUP ARTISTS!!
EDT: 07:11 in now.... BORINGGG
Old 04-23-2010, 10:53 PM

Ep.1 Was a total fucking train wreck.
Jorge was decent and pretty much carried the others.
Mr Right umming and errring his way through was terrible. When he was asked to talk about wrestling he was an embarrassment. He needs to go on an improv course. It made me think if that is the level of conversation people are capable of how can they be pissed with PUA for not getting them girls. Dude, you are not doing it right.
Bropocalypse claims illness so he gets a free pass on episode 1.
Just saying that it is the first time these guys worked together is no excuse for that level of shitness. Sort it out.
Old 04-24-2010, 02:55 AM

It was bad, for all the reasons given in this thread, and at the same time I liked it. Bropocalypse is a great host, good voice, and I like Mr. Right and Jorge. I think a format where 1 to 3 of regulars are on the show plus guests (from the forum) would be the ideal format. I like where the podcast is going overall.
Old 04-25-2010, 08:38 PM

This is an interesting podcast, puahate podcast. The reason people come on this shit is to crack up at the ridiculous shit the community says and does. Its entertaining and hilarious. Its taking the pua community as a joke.
For the first podcast, two guys were boring.
I would suggest having 5 - 10 people just coming and going on later podcasts, randomly and spontaneously all the time.
People who should be on it:
*Bizarre mutherfuckers
*Crazy bitches
*Crazy guys
*Crazy LR's
*Crazy FR's
Constant clowning, constant pranking, constant talking shit, constant laughter, constant entertainment, constant hi-jinks, etc..
Podcastlol, I didn't laugh once.
Old 04-25-2010, 09:17 PM

That's because you were too busy sucking dick.
Old 08-09-2010, 03:51 AM

